elb HANG musik
About this artist
  • (1)
  • Hamburg
  • experimental instrumental lounge other
  • relaxed/­dreamy experimental/­creative lounge/­background music
  • Original music
  • Usually responds within 48 hours

Book elb HANG musik for your concert

My music

For this type of music there are no models. It may sound strange, but the new program with the combination of HANG music with sung poems is likely to be absolutely unique: Sound samples at www.elbhangmusik.de The HANG as a percussive-melodic metal instrument produces cheerful, melancholic, and dark tones that can touch the listener directly. The HANG has a natural inclination towards romance and is excellent for readings and 'theatrical' performances of all kinds. So the step from elb HANG music to the setting of rediscovered poetry from the 19th century was not far. With the careful reinterpr...

I need

I play on larger stages, but also in the smallest locations. I adapt completely to each concert situation by individual arrangement: from the smallest 'cutlery' (1 Hang & vocals unamplified in the living room) to the entire instrumentation including own system with sound reinforcement for 80 to 100 people, requiring a bit more space.

Additional notes

Availability during the week max. in a radius of 50 km around Hamburg, on weekends much is possible... By the way, the instrumental pieces of elb HANG music are also excellent for organizers who want to hold readings. I find this format equally appealing. Here I have already been able to gather some positive experiences.

Translated text (click to see original)



Sa Aug

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The SofaConcerts Team
About this artist
  • (1)
  • Hamburg
  • experimental instrumental lounge other
  • relaxed/­dreamy experimental/­creative lounge/­background music
  • Original music
  • Usually responds within 48 hours
Sa Aug