Troubadour & Songwriter Stefan van de Sande (NL) is on tour again! With his brand new album “Moon Light” and an old car loaded with guitars and tents, Stefan is touring across Europe in 2019 & 2020. Described as a 'good guy' and a healer through his songs. A man with a passion for music, nature and people. On stage he is simply himself - authentic, vulnerable and performs straight from his heart into the heart of his audience. With guitar, blues-harp, a velvet voice and his desire to share what is given he creates an atmosphere of dreamy scenery's. The listener travels unnoticed to distant ...
Coffee, a bed and a warm meal. A parking place for my car/camper. And further not so much. Sofa concerts wants that I write here at least 100 characters so I hope this is enough??
All kinds of options are available. House Concert, Garden Feast, Birthday party, Family weekend, Dinner & Music, Nature & Music, Events, etc. etc.