The name ROSA stands for the courage to do what we love from the heart: music! Saskia Adler and Fred Zahl ( form the new indie-pop band around the romantic color ROSA. Our songs are diverse and deal with current topics that move people. They are intended to encourage, empower, invite to dream and cry. To bring you to dance, sing along and rock out! In all our songs and lyrics, we tell little stories from life. We combine unique guitar sounds with catchy vocal melodies and invite you to sing along and above all to dream along <3
Space for 2-3 guitars and our small amplifier (in the acoustic version) Space for a drum set, bass, guitar, keys, and female singer (in the band version)
We play for you at any desired location! With the acoustic version, no power connection is required. From the cornfield, to your favorite bar, to the hidden bay by the lake. Everything is possible there :) If you want to experience the whole band of ROSA and book a unique concert experience, be prepared for a lively and colorful evening full of surprises and danceable sounds <3
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