Michael Hagenmayer
About this artist
  • Remshalden
  • country electronic experimental folk pop rock singer songwriter
  • Always responds within 48 hours

Book Michael Hagenmayer for your concert

My music

World music. But what does that mean? As a professional full-time musician, I don't even try to copy styles. Well: You can expect gentle sounds, almost cinematic, melodic soundtracks. Performed alone, with acoustic guitar, electric guitar, loop technology and flute, kalimba or harmonica. Very unusual, dreamlike soundscapes, very sublime and almost a bit like Pink Floyd, according to the press. Enriched with field recordings, so nature recordings from field, forest, meadow and coast. When I come with a musical partner, then additionally with didgeridoo drones, handpan, the spectacular, man-size...

I need

... little space and a power outlet. I am self-sufficient through my own equipment. If a speaker system is available, it will receive a stereo sum from my mixer - and I appreciate quick setup.

Additional notes

Listening examples: https://hagenmayer.bandcamp.com/album/music-for-wood-and-steel www.soundcloud.com/hagenmayer

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About this artist
  • Remshalden
  • country electronic experimental folk pop rock singer songwriter
  • Always responds within 48 hours