I am a singer/songwriter, come from Zimbabwe, and have been living in Germany for almost 10 years. In my own songs, I tell stories from my homeland. It's about the beautiful sides, but also the challenges of everyday life. And I love to write and sing songs about love! At my concerts, I also like to play reggae classics, like 'No woman, no cry', where everyone can sing along! My special talent is my improvisations on stage, everything I see or feel then becomes part of a new, unique song. Feel free to tell me 1-2 of your favorite songs beforehand, and I will do my best to practice them in adva...
I play indoors, outdoors, with a lot or little space. I can adapt to almost any setting. Depending on the number of guests, I bring all the technology I need. I just need a power outlet and then we can get started.
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