Cash Matters is a live music project that brings the songs of Johnny Cash and his friends from the 50s and 60s back to the stage with the stories surrounding them. Did you know that Johnny Cash accidentally set a forest on fire and blamed his truck for it in court? Or that Brian Jones, the founder of the Rolling Stones, got the band's name from Muddy Waters and was likely murdered over money? The past is full of stories, with Cash Matters we move back to the birth of modern pop and rock music. Starting from blues and rock 'n' roll, to folk and pop, to country and rock, the stories and myths ab...
Depending on the event, the formation of Cash Matters can vary, whether as an intimate solo artist at a sofa concert, as a duo in an Irish pub, or as a 4-member band for the rock 'n' roll dance floor. The appropriate setting can be individually adapted to whatever your vision is. We have the necessary technology and experience. We need information about the event; size with approximate number of people, duration of live music, budget expectations, etc. Tell us about it :)
The stated price is for 2 sets of live music as a solo artist - other rates need to be individually tailored depending on the event. The travel to the event is included in Hamburg and in the canton of Uri (CH), further locations need to be negotiated. The technical equipment is included for the solo artist.
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