Brent Kirby is a night's stroll with a rock n' roll romantic. This does not mean Kirby's merely a smitten troubadour, or a bard for the wayward but colorful life of musicians. Though his own songs bring up those immortal topics, Kirby's romanticism is much bigger than that. His songs start with the introspective stir of strum and voice, but just like his performances, quickly move outward and embrace the listener. There is something there that stops you in your tracks in order to take in the present moment.
A small PA with at least four channels, one mic, mic stand, and cable. with grounded electrical outlet on a flat, level performance area. If it's a solo performance, I can fit in a small area, and then if there are other musicians, more room is needed. I live in the United States, so when traveling I carry the bare minimum.
I love to play house parties as I feel the intimacy leads to more stories about the songs and interaction with the crowd.