Kate Bush, Thom Yorke, Ziad Rahbani, George Gershwin, Jeff Buckley. Zazuka tore off her classical trainers to go running barefoot through different musical terrains. The Jordanian-born songstress writes humorous and emotional songs with poetic lyrics. With her piano and voice, she forms experimental soundscapes out of complex rhythmic cycles and mystical harmonies. Die gebürtige Jordanierin Zazuka (Klavier/Gesang) schreibt mal humorvolle mal ergreifende Lieder. Zusammen mit ihrem Klavier schafft sie aus verwickelten Rhythmuszyklen und mystischen Harmonien experimentelle und geheimnisvolle Kl...
For solo shows I can bring my own equipment, but I am happy if an acoustic or electric piano is provided by the host. For ensemble concerts, it depends on the venue size. Please note that ensembles/bands would incur extra costs.
Sometimes I perform with a visual artist (see my FB page, there are some videos). She live paints in ink and sand with an overhead projector that she brings with her.