Our music sounds like the best that we can do, that's why we have been rehearsing regularly for 10 years and have good equipment such as E-Piano Korg, Very good double bass, Keyboard Tyros 5, E-Bass Wolf, PA. System Line Arrays, etc. Our bands Duo and Trio Chocolate are very well suited for living room concerts, theater concert shows, private and corporate events, as well as dinner evenings, trade fairs, gala evenings, weddings, etc. As party and dinner bands, we have 2 different repertoires, Latin American music and German and international music. With Latin American music, we offer Cuban mus...
- A normal power outlet - Minimum 2.5 sqm of space, optimal would be from 4 sqm - 40 km distance from Rotthalmünster 94094 travel costs - accommodation from 200 km distance from Rotthalmünster 94094
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