In 2024 I: Worked with Mercedes, Red Bull, Dolby, NIO, Austrian Audio and more. Released 1 EP, toured Europe twice, wrote 1 EP in Ireland a 2nd in Austria. In 2025 I want to tour living rooms all over Europe and record a new record. More about me: Born on the North Coast of Ireland, based in Vienna, Austria. After years of touring Ireland and the UK I left home in 2016 to travel around Europe. A long and beautiful story has seen me find a new home in Vienna, tour extensively through Europe, support and play with some of Austria's best musicians, record 2 albums and write songs for and with...
A beautiful audience and a glass of water for the show! When I can I prefer to play amplified, not so I can be loud, but so I can be even more gentle! For that I'll just need electricity, the rest I'll bring with me. But if amplified is a no go, then no plugs, no mics, no amps! Just me, my guitar, your ears and maybe even voices ;) Sharing a good meal before the show is, I find, the best place to get to know my hosts. If that's possible I'm afraid I have to request vegan food (although I still eat eggs from time to time) and hope it's not an inconvenience. If a bed is available I'll take it ...
For me the show is always about US. I love to perform for people who actively want to hear music, be part of the gig, come together to create something bigger than each of us as individuals. It is, for me, the best thing in the world.