Über Stables
  • (35)
  • London
  • alternative folk indie singer songwriter
  • tanzbar / zum Feiern fröhlich / upbeat entspannt / verträumt
  • Coversongs Eigene Musik
  • Antwort dauert meistens länger als 1 Woche
Zum Künstlerprofil

Buche Stables für Dein Konzert

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Bear's Den
The Tallest Man on Earth
Fleet Foxes
Bon Iver (Justin Vernon early recording)
Bob Dylan
Simon & Garfunkel
The Lumineers
Kings Of Conviniences
Ben Howard

Meine Musik

Lumineers, Bon Iver (early), Tallest Man On Earth, Bears Den, Ben Howard, Hozier, Fleet Foxes, Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel 'Ebullient, heartfelt alt-folk duo' From Matthew Lowe (Keston Cobblers Club) and Daniel Trenholme, comes the new alt-folk duo Stables. Stables was formed in January 2016 during late night drinks between Matthew and Daniel in London. Matthew was working on a new project idea at the time and, after playing through what was to become their first single, 'Steam', at 5 am, the duo was born, and quickly went public four months later. 'Beyond Brushes' (their debut albu...

Ich brauche

We can play completely unplugged if the room/audience is right for it, or have a couple of amps if it needs a kick. We play with a kick drum, a guitar, Ukulele and some hand held percussion with big harmonies.

Sonstige Hinweise

We're going to be touring Europe this Autumn and would love to do some house concerts in Europe around this time if possible. Preferably with the chance of accommodation and/or a hat system for small payment to cover the cost of touring. Thanks!


Diese Songs sind im Repertoire von Stables

Buche eine Videobotschaft von Stables

Der Beispielsong

Dandelions & Daisies is a track all about the summer and meeting with friends to enjoy it. Set in the Horniman Gardens, a Victorian garden surrounding Horninman museum in my small town of Forest Hill in London. It's a nostalgic look back to the days of warm summers, long days and hanging out with good friends in the evening.

Diese Lieder sind außerdem möglich

  • Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising
  • Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere
  • Stables - Dandelions & Daisies
  • The Police - Walking On The Moon (Folky Version)
  • Paul Simon - Graceland

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Über Stables
  • (35)
  • London
  • alternative folk indie singer songwriter
  • tanzbar / zum Feiern fröhlich / upbeat entspannt / verträumt
  • Coversongs Eigene Musik
  • Antwort dauert meistens länger als 1 Woche
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