Lawrence Trailer
Über Lawrence Trailer
  • Brooklyn
  • alternative country folk indie pop rock singer songwriter soul
  • Antwortet immer innerhalb von 48 Stunden

Buche Lawrence Trailer für Dein Konzert

Meine Musik

John Mayer, Ed Sheeren, Fleet Foxes, Incubus, The Dear Hunter I'm a singer/songwriter based out of Brooklyn, NY. Partnered with 3x Grammy award winning producer/engineer Dave Clauss, I'm releasing my second LP, "The Places We've Been" December 2016, and am actively writing, performing, and producing around the world. I utilize vocal, guitar, and percussion loops to enhance my live show, and create a unique brand of Americana Folk Pop. Armed with an acoustic guitar and loop station, and married with a raw and honest energy, I aim to provide a dynamic experience that forges a connection and star...

Ich brauche

Attentive ears and open hearts.

Sonstige Hinweise

With enough notice, I'm available and ready to entertain!

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Über Lawrence Trailer
  • Brooklyn
  • alternative country folk indie pop rock singer songwriter soul
  • Antwortet immer innerhalb von 48 Stunden