Joey Clarkson
Über Joey Clarkson
  • (7)
  • London
  • folk pop rock singer songwriter
  • fröhlich / upbeat
  • Coversongs Eigene Musik Wunschsongs auf Anfrage
  • Antwortet meistens innerhalb von 48 Stunden

Buche Joey Clarkson für Dein Konzert

Meine Musik

Amy MacDonald, Joni Mitchell, Taylor Swift, Mumford and Sons A drifting Canadian heart, caught between the Pacific and Atlantic tides. My name is Joey Clarkson and I am a Canadian singer/songwriter now living in London, UK. My music has been described as early Mumford and Sons meets Taylor Swift, stripped down. I have played sofa concerts across Europe and the UK as a solo, duo and full band act. Some might seem skeptical at having a 5 piece band play in their house, because they would be worried about not having enough space, or the band's volume being too high - but my band is made up of mem...

Ich brauche

Depending on the size of the room, all that we need is enough space to play to an attentive audience!

Sonstige Hinweise

We love meeting new people and experiencing new cultures; and especially love sharing our own through our music and the stories that accompany our songs. We will play to any size audience, and would absolutely love to be a part of your event! Currently booking European dates for June 2018, and October/November 2018. We do not mind driving longer distances for gigs as we will be traveling by car :)

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Diese Songs sind im Repertoire von Joey Clarkson

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Das SofaConcerts Team
Über Joey Clarkson
  • (7)
  • London
  • folk pop rock singer songwriter
  • fröhlich / upbeat
  • Coversongs Eigene Musik Wunschsongs auf Anfrage
  • Antwortet meistens innerhalb von 48 Stunden