Gabe Brown
Über Gabe Brown
  • Brooklyn
  • alternative blues indie instrumental jazz singer songwriter
  • Antwortet immer innerhalb von 48 Stunden

Buche Gabe Brown für Dein Konzert

Ich brauche

An amp/monitor or a stereo system with a 1/4 inch input. If you lack one of those, I can bring a micro-amp but you need to let me know first! Good if you have a vocal mic but no worries if not: I can play my set without one easily and even prefer it.

Sonstige Hinweise

I typically play my set in the dark and cover my saxophone in lights and occasionally bring my own colored light bulbs if the occasion calls for it. I use a loop pedal to stack saxophone lines and sing over my loops. I typically play acoustic/low-key sets with other singer-songwriters.

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Das SofaConcerts Team
Über Gabe Brown
  • Brooklyn
  • alternative blues indie instrumental jazz singer songwriter
  • Antwortet immer innerhalb von 48 Stunden